George Bernard Shaw's Rotating Writing Hut
Ths was George's study where he wrote some of his most famous plays, his writing desk faces the window looking out across the lawns and gardens.
Shaw’s hut is famous for a special design feature that meant it could be easily rotated to make best use of the available light. Shaw called his writing hut ‘London’ so that unwanted visitors could be told he was ‘visiting the capital’. A report in the 1932 Modern Mechanix magazine said "Mr. Shaw has a plan to keep the sun shining on him constantly while he works. He has constructed a small hut on his grounds that is built on a turntable. When the morning sun shifts, he merely places his shoulder against the side of the hut and gives it a push so that the warming beams fall through his window at the correct angle.
Experimental Living: The Rolling Space
Students at the German universit Karlsruhe, co-designed this experimental living space that provides multifunctional living accommodations within a super-tiny rolling tube.The interior of this tube is constructed of bent and formed wood that is divided into three distinct areas and the occupant literally rolls the entire living space to access them..
The design called BEDUP, is designed to save space with the theory that you don't need a bed when you are awake, and you don't need a living space when you are sleeping. The smooth motion makes it easy to bring down from the ceiling, most of these designs usually have a multi-functional space beneath the bed. Creating a duality use of space.
Casulo: Apartment furniture in one small box
you will find a desk, a bed, a mattress, an armoire, a height-adjustable stool, a six-shelf bookcase.
All of these components fit into a small box, and can be packed or unpacked at anytime. Not all components have to be used at the same time, somethings like this would work well in the cube, as a multi functional space for my play writer performer, as the space could be completely clear when everything is packed away.
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